
- Every student is expected to be Punctual and attend the school regularly. Absence from the school except for illness and other unexpected circumstances will not be granted.
- A student having any type of communicable disease is not allowed to attend the school till certified by the doctor in writing.
- A student who has just recovered from any contagious ailment should present a doctor’s certificate of fitness to attend the classes.
- Leave may be allowed by the principal after producing a written application from the parent either through the mobile app or through written application in the school.
- Students are expected to complete the work missed during their absence.
- Re-examinations or Re-tests will not be conducted for the students who are absent during Tests or Examinations.
- A half-day leave is not permitted due to security reasons. In case of emergency, if a student requires to leave the school early, parents should take prior permission and come to school to take back the student and produce valid document.
- Students must carry the books as per the time table given. They are expected to bring Tiffin from home. After entering the school, the staff at the gate will not take books, Tiffin or stationery to be handed over to any student.
- 75% attendance is compulsory for the students from classes IX- XII and 80% attendance is essential for rest of students. Admit Card and Promotion is subjected to refusal if they do not match the criteria as per the CBSE Norms. Students having 100% attendance are eligible to get Appreciation Certificates.